First name: Employee type: Middle name: Last name: Social security #: Date of birth:   **Note: Expiration for all CNAs is exactly two years from Certification Date.

Responsibility of Medicare and Medicaid Enrolled Providers To Avoid Hiring Excluded Individuals

Every provider is held responsible on the federal and state level for ensuring that their employees have not been excluded by either the federal Office of Inspector General or State Medicaid Program Integrity. To determine if an employee or prospective employee is excluded, check the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Adverse Actions website at the link listed below:

**Note: The website should be checked upon hire and monthly thereafter.

If you have questions regarding exclusions please email them to [email protected].

Effective October 1, 2018 the DSW Registry has been moved to the Louisiana Adverse Action web site found at: Providers were notified of this change by memorandum dated September 10, 2018. If you did not receive the memo, you may view it on the Health Standards Direct Service Worker web page found at: Please note that the old look-up site will remain active for verification of certification status of certified nursing assistants.

Information & Instructions for Nurse Aide (CNA) Retesting

 State of Louisiana
 CNA - DSW Registry
 P.O. Box 3767
 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3767
 Phone: 225-342-0138
 Fax: 225-342-4549
 Email: [email protected]
*If SSN is known, enter SSN only - Include Dashes. CNA/DSW Lookup. Enter search criteria below: Date: 02/08/2025 25039